Monday, June 28, 2010

Candidate Profile: Rick Barber

Running for: House of Representatives, Alabama District 2

Primary: Took 28.51%, runoff scheduled July 13

Notable Endorsements: Liberty First PAC, Iraq Vets PAC, iCaucus, Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs), Erick Erickson (RedState), Michael Johns (founder of National Tea Party), Alabama Tea Party Express

Background: Raised in Texas. Became a door-to-door salesman and lawn mower as a child. Joined the Marine Corps in 1995 as an information technology expert. Honorably discharged in 1999. Started a small technology business and is now the Corporate Vice President of a large technology firm. Started a second small billiards business. Joined the Tea Party movement in 2009. New to politics. Married with one daughter.

Issue Breakdown:
  • Abortion: From his website: "I am pro-life. Period." Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Agriculture: Will advocate for rights of landowners and farmers
  • Card Check: Opposes
  • Economy: Recognizes the importance of small businesses, will oppose tax increases, will attempt to shrink Washington and stop wasteful spending
  • Education: Believes in school choice, higher standards, and tuition tax credit for private school and homeschool families
  • Energy: Opposes cap and trade, questions global warming "science," supports diversification and use of natural resources
  • Healthcare: Supports Rep. Tom Price's reform bill that increases state competition, reduces restrictions, and gives patients more say in their plans
  • Israel: Supports Israel as an ally and wants to keep it safe
  • Immigration: Supports enforcement of immigration laws, wants immigrants to speak English
  • Marriage: Between a man and a woman
  • Second Amendment: Member of the NRA, supports right to bear arms
  • Taxes: Supports FairTax
  • Term Limits: Supports
  • Welfare: Will seek reform and incentives for recipients to find work
My Assessment: If you ask the media, Rick Barber is the Tea Party poster boy, just another right-wing nutcase who hates everything. A recent Washington Post headline read: "GOP candidate talks to dead presidents, invokes Holocaust." The lefties are disgusted by the anger Barber portrays in his commercials. And granted, there is a risk of alienating viewers with an ad of such emotional magnitude. But isn't he right? Shouldn't we be angry? Shouldn't we have "gathered our armies" - whether metaphorically or otherwise - a long time ago?

I don't see Barber as an extremist. Maybe his ads are a little provocative, but that's arguably just a rookie mistake. Barber is an ordinary guy like you or me. He's created two successful businesses, started a family, and realized that he doesn't like where the government is going. He's new to politics, but he - and many other people - think he has something of value to contribute.

He was the ultimate underdog, making it to the runoff despite the odds being against him. And since opponent Martha Roby won over 48% of the vote, the odds may still be against him. Even if Barber doesn't win this time around, I hope he sticks around.

In His Words:

On the Web: Website / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube

1 comment:

  1. Despite the fact his ads are a little, yes, extreme in some sense, he's got some pretty good views on the issues. How he will act in office is another thing. Seems like a pretty solid conservative candidate, one I feel the republican party would back if he tool away the tea-party stance. But that is how many people are these days. :/ Can't say I blame them. I think he's got a chance for the seat, but the numbers ARE against him.

    ...I couldn't sleep :P

    interesting blog though, I'll be sure to follow it!
