Running for: House of Representatives, Wisconsin District 7
Primary: September 7
Notable Endorsements: Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Erick Erickson, Wisconsin Right to Life PAC
Background: Raised in Wisconsin. Tenth of eleven siblings. Graduated from law school and practiced law for two years. Former county Special Prosecutor and District Attroney. Under his direction, Ashland County began investigating and prosecuting child Internet sex crimes before many other counties. Enjoys logrolling. Was once on a reality TV show. Married with six children.
Issue Breakdown:
- Abortion: Pro-life
- Cap and Trade: Opposes
- Constitution: Strict constructionist
- Defense: Supports full funding of military operations and intelligence agencies, best-quality care for veterans and military families, decisive action against global terrorism
- Economy: Committed to stopping unsustainable spending and neutralizing the deficit, wants to reduce regulation and lower taxes
- Energy: Wants independence
- Education: Wants local school districts to have more control over education, to reform special interest influence, and to encourage university/technical college enrollment
- Entitlements: Supports reform (without abandoning those already relying on Social Security, Medicaid, or Medicare)
- Healthcare: Opposes ObamaCare, wants preexisting conditions to have no effect on insurance, supports competition across state lines, supports tort reform
- Immigration: Wants borders secured
- Marriage: Between a man and a woman
- Second Amendment: Defender of individual gun ownership rights
- Taxes: Supports flat tax, tax reduction for small businesses, tax cuts on overtime, and increase of child tax credits
Duffy certainly looks promising. If everything keeps running smoothly, it's likely he will defeat Mielke. And from there... well, let's just say it's time for Wisconsin-7 to clean house.
Pun intended.
In His Words:
On the Web: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Flickr / YouTube
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