Thursday, June 17, 2010

Candidate Profile: Marco Rubio

Running for: Senate, Florida

Primary: August 24

Notable Endorsements: Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Jim DeMint, Rudy Giuliani, Rick Santorum, Eric Cantor, National Right to Life PAC, Family Research Council Action PAC, Associated Industries of Florida, Associated Builders and Contractors of Florida, Steve Forbes, Conservative-Republican Alliance, Irish-American Republicans, Luis Fortuño (governor of Puerto Rico)

Background: Son of Cuban immigrants who fled from Fidel Castro’s regime. Lived most of his life in Florida. Obtained juris doctor from University of Miami. Served as city commissioner. Served in Florida House from 2000-2008 and was Majority Whip, Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House. Helped lower taxes, improve public schools, and shrink government. Chaired the House Select Committee on Property Rights. Traveled the state seeking people’s ideas on how to strengthen Florida and converted many of those ideas into laws. Practiced law, taught, and chaired a PAC.

Issue Breakdown:
  • Abortion: Pro-life, supports mandatory ultrasounds
  • Card Check: Opposes
  • Constitution: Strict constructionist
  • Economy: Opposed the stimulus package, supports balanced budget amendment and line-item veto, has formulated a plan to cut government spending
  • Energy: Supports exploring alternative energy sources, wants to create jobs in the (private) energy sector, opposes cap and trade
  • Immigration: Opposes any form of amnesty, wants to secure the border, opposes the Arizona law in fear that it will put officers in “an incredibly difficult position”
  • Schools: Is passionate about rigorous curriculum and performance-based accountability
  • Second Amendment: Supports individual right to bear arms
  • Stem cell research: Opposes embryonic, supports adult
  • Taxes: Supports tax cuts (especially for businesses), elimination of death tax and capital gains tax, wants to streamline the tax code
My Assessment: Young, but not inexperienced, Rubio is a prime candidate for the Senate. Although a recent Rasmussen poll stated that he and Crist are tied, Rubio’s conservative record will, hopefully, pull him back to the top. Born to Cuban immigrants and raised in a modest, hardworking family, Rubio embodies the American Dream. And in an administration that no longer believes in that Dream, candidates like Rubio are all the more captivating.

I fully support the Arizona bill, but I suppose I can understand his reservations. As far as I know that's the only place we explicitly disagree. After researching him, I don't find Rubio quite as appealing as Adam Kinzinger or other candidates, but I still think he can do good things for Florida if he wins.

In His Words:

On the Web: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Flickr / YouTube / Ning / RSS


  1. He also had Crist's endorsement. Well he did in theory anyway, Crist saying he would back the Republican nominee until Crist lost the primary and decided it was time to be a switch hitter, going independent on us and diluting the conservatives in Florida.

    That two faced, back stabbing rhino Crist! I sure hope this guy Rubio wins. Heavens help us!!

  2. Rubio seems to have all the right cards for this game.

    One tiny caveat. I hope he does not oppose ALL stem cell research. There is a version--ADULT stem cells, which can be taken from your own gums, bones, or blood, that does NOT involve killing embryos or even growing them in the first place.

    Perhaps that's what he means here, but it does also need pointing out that the adult variety has not only shown more ethical, but more productive for the overall return on the money.

    Just though I'd point out these shades of difference here.

    See also:

    PS--good to meet you as well, and especially comforted by the insight that at least some young people who've been into the college meat grinder not only came out OK and avoided all the Mutli-Culti liberal pieties common these days, but are better for the effort.

    Hope to hear from you very soon.


  3. PS- Hi Nick. Howz things over on the Northwest coast?

  4. PS to Late Nights Girl:

    At some point you should install a "follow" button for people to easily track your posts!


  5. @Wakefield

    Good point about stem cells! Rubio's website said that he opposed stem cell research, and I did some quick Googling to confirm that, but I hadn't thought to make the distinction between embryonic and adult. Here's what the FRC Action PAC said in their endorsement:

    "Rep. Rubio also understands the
    importance of adult stem cell research in treating patients. He also endorsed
    legislation to ensure that taxpayers aren't forced to fund embryonic stem cell

    Looks like he does support adult stem cell use. I updated the post accordingly.

    And thanks for the comment! Always glad to come across another righty blogger. :)
